Session 15 : Putting Advocacy Plans into Practice

Once training participants have developed their Advocacy Action Plan, keeping their plan on track is essential to its successful implementation. In this session, participants will discuss how to make their advocacy plan a reality and the necessary first steps they will take to introduce and build support for their advocacy plan at their library.

For a full list of curriculum sessions and materials, click here.

  • Script : This customizable script discusses what participants need to do to put their Advocacy Action Plan into action at their library. It also recommends ways to make the content as relevant as possible. It also includes trainer talking points and suggestions for how to give the training and activities you could do.
  • PowerPoint Presentation : This PowerPoint provides a visual component to accompany the script and help create an interactive, engaging session. It will help you keep participants’ attention and the session on track.
  • Handouts : Handouts include a step-by-step guide for getting started and tips on how to refine your Advocacy Action Plan over time.
  • For Training Participants : This session also introduces the post-advocacy training guide, “Bringing the Lessons of the Advocacy Training Back to Your Library,” which gives participants a step-by-step overview of how they can apply what they’ve learned to the practice of advocacy on behalf of their public libraries.